
  • Ivana Parčina Факултет за менаџмент у спорту, „Алфа БК“ Универзитет, Београд Author
  • Nina Đukanović Висока медицинска школа струковних студија „Милутин Миланковић“, Београд Author
  • Damir Ahmić Едукацијски факултет, Универзитет у Травнику, Босна и Херцеговина Author



Doping, Women, Olympism


Following the evolution of the Olympic Games we can see that the athletes, in order to achieve victory, often use certain illicit substances to enhance their mental and physical performance. Trying to show the superiority of the Aryan race, Hitler allowed the German athletes to use illicit stimulants at the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 to achieve the best results. The consequences of doping are immeasurable. It has been found that the use of different means and methods of doping leads to serious health problems, and in some cases even death. The fight against doping is a question of ethics and is associated with the fundamental principles of the Olympic movement. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the opening of the Stasi files, it was discovered that many East German athletes used various illegal means, and they were encouraged to do so by their coaches and by the state policy service. In 1988, the first trial of those charged with grievous bodily harm to 142 female swimmers and athletes was held in Berlin. Manfred Ewald, the longtime director of the Olympic program of Eastern Germany and his chief doctor Manfred Hapner, director of the former East German sports and medical service, were accused of giving athletes very large amounts of steroids between 1974 and 1989. All these female athletes were victims of a doping campaign sponsored by the state aimed at confirming their superiority by winning the Olympic gold.


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Дикић, Н. (2006). Победићемо допинг. ЧасописВИВА, бр. 180. Стр. 34-35.

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How to Cite

Parčina, I., Đukanović, N., & Ahmić, D. (2017). SPORTS VICTORY AND LIFE DEFEAT. SPORT, MEDIA AND BUSINESS, 3(1), 91-94.

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