industry, market, managementAbstract
It can be said that sport is a complex anthropological phenomenon in the modern world. Many economic analyzes show that sport is the second largest branch of the economy in terms of money and profit, right behind the petrochemical industry. A vast number of sociological studies and research indicate that the entire cultural stereotypes of modern man are most easily formed and changed through sports. Globalization has contributed to the rapid flow of money and information over long distances, thus encompassing a large number of countries and world populations. In the process of globalization, sport is becoming increasingly dependent on the strategic movement of capital, not only within national borders, but also internationally confirming its global dependence and commitment. The process of commercialization has forced sports organizations to become market-oriented, to meet the needs of users, to seek and implement new strategies that will increase their revenues and profits in order to remain on the market. Commercialization in sports has led to the introduction of strategic planning, systems management, quality management in sports organizations, which has increased efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and improvement of the sports organization itself.
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