
  • Snežana Vuković Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја РС, Факултет за спорт Универзитет ,, Унион- Никола Тесла“, Београд Author
  • Radmila Đurović Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду, Београд Author
  • Svetlana Lazić Факултет спортских наука Паневропског универзитета „Апеирон“ , Бања Лука Author



sport, stress, stress management techniques, eustress, distress


This paper, in addition to the theoretical consideration of stress, discusses the results of research conducted by the authors with 45 respondents who are athletes, judges or employees of sports clubs. Also, the techniques and ways of recognizing stress in sports through activities that need to be realized in the process of stress management of athletes are presented. The aim of the author is to recognize that sport has a double effect in the context of perceiving stress. In addition to being one of the stress management techniques, physical activity and playing sports can be a cause of stress. This duality has not been studied in the literature and may be significant in the process of educating coaches and athletes. The results of descriptive analysis indicate that more than a third of respondents indicate their own ambitions to achieve good results as a cause of stress in which they are, twice less than they believe that the cause is pressure from others to achieve good results, but there are those who believe that stress is coach behavior , while teammate behavior and poor training conditions are less stressful. Poor communication in the club is not a cause of stress for most respondents, which may indicate quality relationships in the club. Playing sports is not a source of stress for most and 12% of respondents indicate that playing sports is the cause of their stress.


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How to Cite

Vuković, S., Đurović, R., & Lazić, S. (2021). STRESS AND SPORT. SPORT, MEDIA AND BUSINESS, 7(1), 17-25.

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