
  • Svetlana Mihić Associate professor, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Economics, University Educons, Sremska Kamenica Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia Author



promotion, PR, sports market, marketing, communications


This text reviews the book in the form of a monographic publication entitled Promotion and Public Relations in the Sports Market - A Marketing Perspective. The growth of the sports market requires a more serious scientific approach to the analysis of its segments, but also a better insight into the specifics of its development, given that they are the basis of the application of promotional resources The following analysis is based on the fact that promotion is an integral part of marketing, then that scientific literature in the field of changing promotional potentials on the sports market is not sufficiently represented in Serbia and neighboring countries, and that there is a need to publish at an academic level. After a short review of the existing literature that contains the terms promotion, marketing, and sport in the title, the latest edition of the mentioned monographic publication is highlighted. The reasons are in the adequate selection and optimal combination of marketing and promotional topics, then in the structure that indicates a scientific approach, and in the positioning of the key communication potentials in the sports market concerning the segment, and thus its particularities. The aim of this article in the form of a review is to point out the significant contribution of the mentioned monographic publication to the academic environment and to the practice of the sports market.


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