sports stars, fans, PR - communication management, social networks, Novak Djokovic, network theory, imageAbstract
This paper thematizes the phenomenon of sports stars and the creation of a good reputation from the point of view of network theory, which deals with channels of information and building relationships with target audiences. The focus is on the postmodern understanding of PR, which focuses on "hyperreality" that is created through a proactive relationship with the media, where balanced communication imposes persuasive images that favor the creation of a good sports image, but also a great socially responsible personality. The potential of the new communication model lies in the multimedia, multifunctionality and multi-significance of observing the interests that covertly govern society. The authors emphasize the power of social networks that effectively simulate a close relationship of trust between a sports star (individual) and fans (group), whose primary goal is to achieve, maintain and strengthen the popularity of the athlete. Incorporating the public sphere as an analytical perspective leads to the goal of connecting different publics that mix with competing discourses while keeping attention on the images created by the PR team. What distinguishes parasocial relationships from real ones is that the individual thinks he controls the imaginary communication relationship, while in social relationships the relationship depends on other participants as well. The socio-cultural model of representation is an important element because, thanks to social networks and traditional media channels, it mediates and produces meanings that shape the identity of a sports star, presenting itr to diverse publics as an activist responsible for its community and wider environment.
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