knowledge, competence, technological innovations and developmentAbstract
In this paper starts with inperativa that for the realization of sustainable development is necessary to establish new social values based on knowledge, creativity and skills of human resources with a tendency to transform the company so far in a learning society. Not only in theory but also in many economically relevant international organizations, we carried out numerous studies in which indicates the importance of knowledgebased economy and “knowledge society”. All developed countries have adequate social responsible policies based on knowledge, aimed at sustainable economic growth, to raise the quality of the environment and quality of life. Knowledge has become a factor of crucial importance for the position of the company, its market position, profitability and safety and sustainable development. Investment in knowledge is in today’s economy the most profitable investments. Knowledge, information, skills and innovation have become key production resource wealth and industrial society. Knowledge, which is increasingly materialized in the technology, it becomes indispensable, decisive impulse and guarantee sustainable economic development.
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